為了在自助旅行中更省錢。(> W <)o” 蕾咪想開始挑戰沙發衝浪了。
本圖出處 : http://www.besthouseinterior.com/
1. 什麼是沙發衝浪?Coach Surfing
以單身女子來說,建議以同性 > 家庭 > 異性會比較好;當然信任也很重要啦!
2. 怎麼成為沙發客。
Step 1:當然是在傳說中的沙發衝浪網站註冊啦!
1. 開始註冊新帳號,蕾咪為了省事,直接選擇了Facebook帳號註冊喔!
2. 註冊完成後,會出現這個畫面。這時候請記得去信箱點選確認信。
Community Guidelines
To be a CouchSurfing member, you must agree to follow these simple guidelines, to help make this community a better place for us all:
- Do Respect Others 尊重他人CouchSurfing is a meeting place for people of different cultures, lifestyles, and ideals. By joining our community, you promise to communicate with respect and consideration, even if you encounter someone you disagree with.
- Do Make Informed Decisions 做明智的決定,注意安全Our trust network is self-moderating. Always look out for your own safety by reading profiles carefully, and help others make good decisions by leaving references after hosting or surfing.
- Don’t Spam 不要發垃圾信We value human interaction. Please don’t create copy-and-paste messages, CouchRequests, group posts, or event listings. Don’t use CouchSurfing to promote a business or product.
- Don’t Go Looking for a Date 不要來這裡聯誼Our members join CouchSurfing to make friendships. Don’t contact other members for dating — we will consider this harassment.
- Don’t Charge for Your Couch 不要為借宿沙發而收費Our community offers free exchange of hospitality. Asking for money or labor in exchange for your couch is not allowed.
- Don’t Let Anyone Under 18 Use the Website 未滿18歲請勿使用本站Many of our members host or surf with their families, children included. However, only adults may create profiles and choose who to meet.
- Don’t Create More than One Profile 不要創建多個檔案The profile that you are about to create is the only one that you may have. Our trust network needs everyone to stand by their reputation. And profiles can be for real people only — please no joke profiles, pet profiles, etc.
- Surfing Is a Privilege, Not a Right 借宿是別人給你的權利,而不是與生俱來的權力。As a surfer, recognize that you are asking to stay in someone’s home: no one is ever obligated to accept your request. You may not be able to find a couch in every city. As a host, never feel pressured to accept a request, but do make an effort to respond to surfers even if you can’t host them.
3. 接著,回到信箱,可以收到確認信。
Dear 蕾咪,
Welcome to CouchSurfing! 歡迎來到沙發衝浪。
You’ve just plugged into a network of interesting people in over 230 countries and territories all across the world (even Antarctica!).
What do you want to do first?
- I want to surf couches! 我想成為一個提供沙發客住宿的人。
- I want to host travelers! 我想成為一個正在旅行的人。
- I want to meet new people in my city! 我想認識在我城市中的新朋友。
If you have any questions, contact us and we’ll do our best to help you.
Welcome to our community!
Happy Surfing,
The CouchSurfing Team
4. 點擊選項,會到這個畫面,依序提供教學。
Getting Started: How to Travel with CouchSurfing
So you’d like to surf some couches? Let’s get you started!
Step One: Create Your Profile
If you haven’t already, it’s time to fill out your profile. First, read about how to make your profile as useful as possible. Then, go ahead and tell us about yourself !
Step Two: Learn How to Read a CouchSurfing Profile
When you’re choosing to meet other members, reading their profile carefully is one of the most important steps you should take. It helps keep you safe, and helps you have more positive experiences. Read these tips to learn more.
Step Three: Start Connecting 第三步:開始連絡
The more friends and references you have, the easier it is to meet people. So before you start looking for a couch, it’s a good idea to get out into the community.
The easiest way is to join or create an Activity near you. You can find a list of upcoming Activities on your dashboard or through CouchSearch. They can be anything from a casual bike ride to a giant party.
Don’t see anything you like? With just a few clicks you can create your own listing for other CouchSurfers to see and join.
Step Four: Start CouchSearching 開始尋找沙發
Step Five: Plan for Flexibility 保持計劃的彈性
Step Six: Communicate Clearly About Your Plans 連絡清楚
Step Seven: CouchSurf! 沙發旅行
Step Eight: Follow Up With a Reference 提供旅行後的評論
Step Nine: Learn More 了解更多
5. 因為蕾咪已經用Facebook帳號註冊了,所以左方會出現自己的資料,而網站也會自動追蹤自己所在的位置。
6. 選擇自己相片下的第二個選項。Fill out your profile,就會進入以下的畫面。
7. 接下來是很考驗英文能力的自由發揮時間。
8. 回到第五步,點選首頁照片底下的第三個選項 Post your travel Plan,左邊是要接待,右邊是要找地方。
9. 點選右邊,就可以看到許多提供住宿的朋友囉!這個地區是直接鎖定目前所在位置的。
10. 因為之後即將要去義大利,我們尋找義大利的當地的看看。^^
By the way, 青年旅館也是個好選擇,30歲以前請大家多多嘗試,下回介紹囉!
拉拉好酷喔!>W< 每天都在期待你的遊記耶! 蕾咪也要加油了。