台灣 Taiwan

[旅遊] 2012年最值得去的國家,台灣名列第九。


Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel: top 10 countries for 2012

9. Taiwan

Taiwan has always had a jaw-dropping landscape – oversized sea cliffs and denselyforested mountains barely start to describe its majesty. And then there’s the museums,which are simply bursting with treasures (including the best of imperial China, spirited across the strait after WWII), plus a thriving folk culture that includes some wild displays of Taoist and Buddhist worship. In terms of cuisine, Taiwan is a fusion and slow-food showcase. So why is 2012 the time to visit? Because Taiwan is best seen on two wheels and in recent years the authorities have embraced the biking market with surprising enthusiasm, vision and (most importantly) funding. This year sees the linking of thousands of kilometres of paths, including two round-the-island routes, and a host of other cycling friendly infrastructure projects.

Rami來小小的翻譯一下。^ ^” 轉錄請引用喔!翻得不好的地方請多指教。XD

Taiwan has always had a jaw-dropping landscape – oversized sea cliffs and denselyforested mountains barely start to describe its majesty.

台灣一直有令人驚豔的景觀 – 壯闊的海岸與密集的山林,僅僅只是形容他雄偉的開始。

And then there’s the museums,which are simply bursting with treasures (including the best of imperial China, spirited across the strait after WWII), plus a thriving folk culture that includes some wild displays of Taoist and Buddhist worship.

然後,台灣有一座博物館,那裏保存著不得了的珍寶( 包含二次大戰之後,跨越兩岸的那些中國帝王時代最好的寶物),以及一些蓬勃發展的民間文化,包含道教與佛教的展現。

In terms of cuisine, Taiwan is a fusion and slow-food showcase.


So why is 2012 the time to visit?


Because Taiwan is best seen on two wheels and in recent years the authorities have embraced the biking market with surprising enthusiasm, vision and (most importantly) funding.


This year sees the linking of thousands of kilometres of paths, including two round-the-island routes, and a host of other cycling friendly infrastructure projects.



好一個練習曲效應啊!沒想到那部電影掀起的單車環島熱,導致台灣的相關基礎建設也逐漸在全國跟進,現在,甚至被寂寞星球(Lonely Planet)因為單車環島這理由選為前十名!^ ^看了真的好開心喔!因為全世界有這麼多的國家,台灣居然有幸被選中;太魯閣、故宮、飲食文化、單車環島特色,這幾樣是被提及的部分。

這邊還有另外一篇報導喔!^ ^
Lonely Planet names Taiwan as top 10 destination
T@iwan Today:

1. Uganda 烏干達
2. Myanmar (Burma) 緬甸
3. Ukraine 烏克蘭
4. Jordan 約旦
5. Denmark 丹麥
6. Bhutan 不丹
7. Cuba 古巴
8. New Caledonia 法屬新喀里多尼亞
9. Taiwan 台灣
10. Switzerland 瑞士

之前去過幾個國家旅遊與生活(普吉島、德國、日本),當然吾愛吾家,不過,許多國外的朋友也很喜歡台灣喔!^ ^ 目前遇到幾位香港、日本、美國的朋友,是每一年都會特地來台灣玩幾次的,而住在台東鄉下時,也聽過有歐洲人來台灣就愛上了台灣了,因為東海岸的觀光玩樂,還有飛行傘、衝浪、潛水等比較刺激的活動。


About the author


蕾咪,來自台東,卻不定期旅居歐洲的工程師女孩,身兼作家、部落客、創業家等多重身份。畢業於台大電子所,曾在義大利商與美商擔任研發工程師;走訪世界後,發現對台灣有段割捨不了的愛,讓我們一起努力成為想要的自己吧!:) 合作邀稿請聯繫:[email protected]

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